Healthy Lifestyle
Мета: Практична: 1. Розвивати вільне володіння англійської мови та вміти
висловлюватись по темі;
2. Формувати навички спілкування відповідно до
3. Організувати креативну роботу учнів;
4. Розвивати навички говоріння, читання та слухання учнів
через різноманітні завдання.
Освітня: 1. Розширити знання учнів по темі
« Здоровий Спосіб
2. Підвищувати мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови;
3. Формувати та розвивати вміння учнів навчатися.
1. Розвивати креативне та логічне мислення;
2. Ознайомити з різними аспектами здорового життя;
3. Розвивати здібності до знаходження необхідної інформації.
1. Збільшувати інтерес учнів до вивчення англійської мови;
Стимулювати учнів до читання та говоріння на англ. мові;
3. Виховувати культуру поведінки.
Обладнання: 1. Картки для ігор, ребуси,
олівці, плакати, кольоровий папір,
картки з завданнями.
Good morning our dear friends!
Good morning boys and girls!
Nice to meet you. I hope? You are in a good mood.
Today we have an unusual lesson.
Today we’ll speak about Healthy Lifestyle.
Nowadays people are more health-conscious than they
used to be.
Look at the famous quotations.
Let’s read and translate them.
Heals is better than wealth.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise.
Healthy mind in a healthy body.
An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
Live not to eat to live.
He who has health has hope, and he who has hop has
Eat with pleasure, drink with measure.
A change of activity is the best rest.
What is food for one man is bitter poison to others.
Wealth is nothing without wealth!
Today we’ll have sport and healthy day, we hope that
you’ll enjoy the camping rest and have a great time.
Warm up: My Name is and I like to...
Everyone in the group stands
in a circle.
The first person says, "My name is and I
like to ______ (insert hobby and act out a motion from that hobby.)
The rest of group then says, "(Person's
Name) likes to (hobby) and acts out motion.
For example: "My name is Dave and I like Fish
(action out casting a reel).
The next person repeats the process.
The rest of group then says that person's name,
hobby, and motion and the moves onto the first person's info.
This continues until the last person goes, at
which the entire group calls out the last person's info and moves along through
the whole group and repeats everyone's info.
Main Part
Today healthy lifestyle is becoming
more and more popular both with the old and the young. People have become more
health-conscious. They say that the greatest wealth is health. And it’s so
true. The healthier we are, the better we feel. The better we feel, the longer
we live.
A healthy diet is an essential part
of staying healthy. We know that we should not stuff ourselves with fast food,
sweets, sausages, pastry and fat food. Due to medical research, this type of
food shortens our life, it leads to obesity, heart and blood vessels diseases,
diabetes, gastric problems and lots of other serious ailments. To prevent all
these problems we should enjoy well-balanced home-made meals with a lot of
organic fruits, vegetables, dairy products, grains and seafood. We are what we
Keeping fit and going in for sports
is also important for our health. Lack of exercise in our life is a serious
problem. In big cities people spend hours sitting in front of computers,
TV-sets and other gadgets. We walk less because we mainly use cars and public
transport. We certainly don’t have to be professional sportsmen, but we should
visit fitness clubs, go jogging, walk much, swim, go cycling or roller-skating
or just dance. Doctors say that regular moderate physical activity is necessary
for our body because it protects us from strokes and heart diseases, flue and
We must understand the harm of bad
habits for our health.
Taking a proper rest and getting
enough sleep, from 8 to 10 hours daily, are also great healthy habits. Healthy
way of life concerns our body, mind and soul. Healthy people live longer, they
are more successful and they enjoy their life. I believe that it’s not
difficult at all to follow these simple rules, and they are worth it.
about healthy lifestyle with the children.)
Reading and Speaking
One by one students read different healthy
lifestyle tips for kids. The other listen and can add or share with other about
their own lifestyle.
For example: - We should sleep enough, because …
We shouldn’t
play computer games a lot, because …
Rhyme “Who likes what?” Students make a circle. Each student
who likes the listening food give the answer.
For example: - I like brown bread!
- I like white bread!
Some of us like brown bread
Some of us like white
Some of us eat cake and meat
Some don’t think it’s right!
Some of us like apples
Some drink juice at night
Some of us eat many sweets
Some don’t think it’s right!
Reading and
Game “Be attentive”. You’ve got a list of words. Choose and write down the
words connected with food!
1 Groupe: bread, tooth, sweets, a mother, soup,
cake, breakfast, a teacher, juice, meat, seven, a tree, tea, ice-cream, fish,
cheese, coffee, water, school.
2 Groupe: month, porridge, yesterday, hot dog, a
sweater, pizza, salad, chicken, egg, leg, cola,
milk, hamburger, year, sugar, pencil, carrot.
Game “Tic-tac-toe”
The rules of DIY giant backyard Frisbee
tic-tac-toe are the same as traditional tic-tac-toe with one twist. You can use
your Frisbees to knock another players Frisbee from the space you need. The
only exception is, of course, if the player has achieved 3 in a row. The first
player to get 3 in a row is the winner! (The
teacher reads riddles about food, fruit, vegetables, then students need to
guess them. The winner is the team who has achieved 3 in a row. )
For example: Riddles.
I yellow. I am made of milk. You eat
me with bread. What is it? (Butter)
I am white. I am good to drink what
am I? (Milk)
Oval and green in garden seen. What
is it? (Cucumber)
It is white and cold and sweet. All
the children like it. (Ice-cream).
Project Work “Build a snack”. The teacher ask the teams to
make a poster “My favorite healthy food”.
“Hurry up?” Teacher reads some products, they belong to one of groups.
reading you must pick one of these words up and classify them. Let’s start!
Vegetables Meat Dairy products Fruit
butter, yoghurt, milk, ice-cream (Dairy products)
chicken, goose, duck (Meat)
cherry, apple, plum (Fruits)
radish, carrot, beet (Vegetables)
pear, banana (Fruits)
beef, lamb, poultry (Meat).
Game “Hidden words”. Some names of fruit and vegetables are hidden among
letters Find, read and translate them.
1Groupe: onionkqjcherryonxpluminpearbdapplekmobanana
2Groupe: penflowerapricotpencilgrapesonepearchten.
Game “Magic basket”. The students choose a card with a sentence,
then they read
given sentence and must say only one word “True” or “False”.
For example:
Borsh is a favourite Ukrainian dish.
Englishmen like varenyky. –
Ukrainians like varenyky very mush.
Englishmen like borsch very mush. –
Ukrainians like tea with milk. –
Englishmen like tea with lemon. –
Holubtsi is a traditional English
dish. –
Deruny is a traditional English
meal. –
Kholodets is a traditional Ukrainian
dish. +
Pizza is a traditional Italian dish.
Typical English food is pudding. +
Vocabulary work
Teacher: Keeping fit and going in for sports is also important
for our health. I’d like to read you a
poem. Listen to it and then answer my question.
Sport is fun for girls and boys,
It’s much better than toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And throw snowballs with Kate.
You can swim and play football,
Hockey, tennis, and basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.
For example:
- What kinds of sports do
you know?
- What games do you like to
- What are the most popular
sports in Great Britain?
- What are the most popular
sports in Ukraine?
- What are the most
teenagers’ sports?
- Can you swim\ run\ jump?
- Where do you go to play
tennis\ football\ to swim?
- Do you go to the swimming
pool? To the skating rink?
- People go in for
different sports. When we speak about sports what verbs do we use – do,
play, go or ride?
Complete the
soccer |
table tennis |
jumping |
bike |
running |
tennis |
swimming |
judo |
weight lifting |
do |
go |
play |
ride |
Vocabulary pair work
Teacher: When we speak about sport we speak about equipment and rules of the
Which of the following
equipment do you need to play badminton, ice hockey, football, tennis?
I’ll give you a paper with set of rules. Read, write the number of the
sport or game in the correct line.
Sport Quiz.
Match the sport or game to the
appropriate set of rules. Write the number of the sport or game in the correct
A _________
Each team may have up to
eleven players, only seven of whom are allowed to play at the same time. One
team should wear blue caps, the other white. Players must not splash water into
an opponent’s face.
The two contestants must bow
to each other at the start of the contest. They should wear white clothing.
Contestants must only attack the arms and legs of their opponent. They should
not get overexcited.
The game can be played by two
or four players. The players must change positions after each game. The ball
must touch the table on both sides of the net each time it is hit.
Competitors should wear a
helmet. They must not stop another competitor from overtaking. Competitors are
not allowed to help each other.
E __________
Each team may have up to ten
players, only five of whom may play at the same time. Players are not allowed
to leave the court without permission. The ball may be thrown but it must not
be carried or kicked. A team must try for a goal within 30 seconds of getting
possession of the ball.
Each team must have eleven
players. The two teams should wear different colours. Only the goalkeeper is
allowed to play the ball with his hands or arms.
Each team must have six
players. The server may hit the ball with his hand or any part of the arm. He
must release the ball from his other hand before hitting it. Players must not
touch the net.
Each team may have up to
seven-teen players, only six of whom are allowed to play at the same time.
Players must wear skates and numbered shirts.
Contestants are weighed before
the contest. The contestants’ assistants must leave the ring before the fight
begins. Contestants must wear gloves and must not hit an opponent behind the
- Table
- Water
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Cycle
- Judo
- Ice
- Boxing
- Football
Reading and
Vocabulary work
We are making a set of masonite.
It's fun, interactive and you're
still learning all at the
same time! We can do categories (food &
sports, etc). The children need to
build a big
crossword using given letters. They
need to
make the most words they can.
Icebreaking. (An out-/indoor
Guess the most riddles you can.
Sports and games
Hula Hoop Pass–fun activity (An outdoor activity)
This game is quick, easy and only
involves people and a hula hoop! Have
two teams and race to see who can get the hula hoop passed all the way to end
and back! Make a line (or circle) of people…all holding hands. the hula hoop
has to go up and over your entire body and pass to the next person. You can’t
let go of the hand of the person next to you.
A bean bag toss game. (An outdoor activity).
To make the bean bags,
The other part of this game is the saucers to toss the bags into. You can paint
the saucers in any color or design you like, to match the occasion. I painted
mine in a simple red, white, and blue design. We paint scores on each saucer,
with the lowest score for the largest (easiest to hit) saucer, and the highest
score for the smallest (hardest to hit) saucer. To play the game, just line up
the saucers with the largest one closest to you, and the smallest one farthest
away. The distance between the saucers can vary depending on the age and skill
level of those playing. Then have the kids take turns tossing the bags onto the
targets of their choice, and score them for any successful hits. Easy and fun!
We have spoken about a sport and healthy way of life. I think that you will
continue to go in for sport to be healthy.
I hope you’ve enjoyed our day. Good- bye!
«We Love Ukraine»
Мета уроку – концерту:
Навчальна: збагатити активний і пасивний словник учнів новою лексикою.
Вправляти у вмінні декламувати вірші та співати пісні на англійській та українській мовах.
Розвиваюча: розвивати бажання виступати перед аудиторією, пам'ять учнів та ерудицію.
Виховна: виховувати любов до рідного краю, мови, звичаїв, художнього слова та інтерес до володіння англійською мовою на високому рівні.
Обладнання: магнітофон з записами пісень, костюми, вишиті
рушники, плакати, кульки.
Звучить запис пісні « При долині кущ калини ».
( Протягом усього уроку – концерту проходить презентація про Україну).
Учень .
Де зелені хмари яворів
Зупинили неба синій став,
На стежині сонце я зустрів,
Привітав його і запитав.
Учень .
Всі народи бачиш ти з висот,
Всі долини і гірські шпилі.
Де ж найбільший на землі народ?
Де найкраще місце на землі?
Учень .
Сонце усміхнулося здаля:
- Правда, все я бачу з висоти,
Всі народи рівні, а земля
Там найкраща, де вродився ти!
Викладач:- Шановні друзі! Запрошуємо Вас у чарівну країну пізнання іноземної мови, музики, мистецтва та рідного краю. Девізом нашого незвичайного уроку будуть слова відомого українського поета Т.Г. Шевченка « The strange study and do not forget your » на англійській мові, а в перекладі на рідну – « Чужого навчайтесь і свого не цурайтесь». Бо чужа мова робить людину розумною, а рідна – мудрою. Тож будьте завжди і розумні, і мудрі.
А зараз я хочу познайомити Вас з головними героями нашого дійства: Mr. Low, Miss Ukraine, Mr. Tower, Miss Frendship.
Вони пропонують Вашій увазі легенду про те, як Бог дарував таланти народам світу. Сподіваємось, що ви все зрозумієте і в кінці свята назвете , який талант отримала Україна.
Five thousand millions live on Earth.
Why not? There’s room to spare.
And our views on this or that
Are different here and there.
But we are all for honest work,
We love the same blue sky
In Cincinnati, Kyiv and New York
So keep our friendship high.
Miss Friendship
Friendship is a thing for two,
Three or four, even more.
Like a song that’s made to sing
Friendship is a doing thing.
Miss Ukraine
My land is so beautiful and free,
Ukraine, Ukraine,
The dearest land a man can see!
When down the Dnieper I go boating
And birds are flying high above.
I hear a song, and it is flowing
To those green trees, the land I love.
Пісня « Мій рідний край »
Mr. Law
All Ukrainians know the legend
How God presented the peoples with
Gifts and gave Ukraine a song.
Miss Friendship
Frenchmen have chosen beauty and elegance,
German - order and discipline,
Russians - power, Poles - the ability to trade,
Italians - talent for music.
Mr. Law
Having given presents to all,
God saw a beautiful girl in an
Embroidered shirt and in a guilder - rose wreath
- Who are you? Why are you crying?
Miss Ukraine
I’m Ukraine, and I’m crying
because my land is suffering from blood and fire,
slavery and injustice.
Mr. Law
Why haven’t you come earlier?
I’ve already given all talents.
How can I help you?
- O.K. I’ll give you an immortal treasure -
Which will make you famous all over the world.
Miss Ukraine
Thanks a lot, dear Lord.
I’ll bring this song and spread it among all Ukrainians.
Пісня на англійській мові «Ukraine».
Mr. Towel
Hello, dear friends, guests!
Ukraine is famous not only for its songs,
But also for hard—working,
For cherishing and preserving many customs
And traditions. Look at me!
I’m an essential part of every day
Life and ceremonial occasions. I mark
The celebration of engagement, marriage,
Birth, death, Christmas, Easter.
In ancient times a house without a towel was compared with a family without children,
A towel symbolizes unity, peace in the family, hospitality, and respect among people.
Today we’d like to present our guests with Ukrainian embroidered towels. May they remind you about Ukraine, Kyiv and our school.
Пісня «Рушничок».
Учень .
На світі білому єдине,
Як і Дніпрова течія
Домашнє вогнище родинне,
Оселя наша і сім'я.
Учень .
В щасливі і в тяжкі години -
Куди б нам не стелився шлях -
Не гасне вогнище родинне,
В людських запалене серцях.
Пісня на англійській мові «The Cossacks’ March».
Учень .
Люблю я край наш дорогий,
Що зветься Україна.
Вітчизні хочу я своїй
Зрости достойним сином.
Учень .
Уже зоря нової ери сяє
І таємничо манить і зове!
Старе так важко відмирає
Та в муках родиться нове!
Ще розумом збагнуть не в змозі -
Душею вже рвемось в політ,
Вже стоїмо реально на порозі -
Дверей відкритих в Новий світ!
Музична композиція з кінофільму « Титанік».
Учень .
При всем при том,
При всем при том,
Могу вам предсказать я,
Что будет день,
Когда кругом все люди станут братья!
Учень .
Молись же всяк, щоб стало так -
А йдеться вже до того! -
Щоб ум і честь, де тільки єсть,
Пробили скрізь дорогу.
Учень .
It’s coming get for that
That man to man the world over
Will brothers be for a that.
Then let us pray that come it may
That Sense and Worth over the Earth
Will bear the first place on that.
Пісня « Одна калина ».
Викладач : - Ось і підходить до завершення наш концерт. Надіюсь Вам сподобалося і ви зрозуміли, що вивчення англійської мови приносить задоволення. А зараз , я хочу дізнатися, чи зрозуміли Ви, який талант отримала Україна?
Так – це пісня, мелодія і доброта. Тож хочу Вам побажати « The song in your soul, the ringinin your heart and the strong love to your Matherland». « Пісні в душі, мелодії в серці і сильної любові до рідної землі».
А зараз запрошую всіх учасників концерту на сцену і давайте ще раз їм поаплодуємо.
( Звучить пісня « Мій рідний край » і учасники виходять на сцену).
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