6 Form 27/03/20
марта 26, 2020
6 Form 27/03/20
Friday, the twenty-seventh of March
Theme: Sport&Health. Skills
1. Do vocabulary work
Follow the link and refresh the words on the topic “Injuries”
2. Watch the video and revise the words on the topic “Body Parts”
3. Do listening task exercise 3, page 81
Underline the key words
Listen and circle the appropriate letter
4. Do exercise 4, page 81. Choose the appropriate words and use them in the correct form
Homework: exercise3, page 81
exercise 4, page 81
марта 26, 2020
6 Form 27/03/20
Friday, the twenty-seventh of March
Theme: Sport&Health. Skills
1. Do vocabulary work
Follow the link and refresh the words on the topic “Injuries”
2. Watch the video and revise the words on the topic “Body Parts”
3. Do listening task exercise 3, page 81
Underline the key words
Listen and circle the appropriate letter
4. Do exercise 4, page 81. Choose the appropriate words and use them in the correct form
Homework: exercise3, page 81
exercise 4, page 81
I did vocabulary work . It was very interesting and useful. I repeated the words ingury-травма , sprain-растяжение связок , twist-скрутить , get a bruise-получить синяк , ankle-лодыжка , plaster-гипс , trip over-споткнуться
ВідповістиВидалитиI didn't do the exercise 3 , p.81 because I can't found audio recording
ex.4 , p. 81
1.to play
4.to go