6 Form 30/04/20

Theme: Physical Education

1.    Learn the words
Stretch                                            розтягуватись
According to                                   відповідно до
Avoid injury                                    запобігти травмуванню
To be half right                               бути правим наполовину
Light exercise                                 легкі вправи
Heart rate                                       серцебиття
Loosen                                            послабити
Tight up                                          напружити
2.    Read and translate the text  on page 41 “To Stretch or Not to Stretch…”
3.    Do exercise 1, p.41
4.    Answer the question in written form in your copy-books
1.What do students do in the beginning of the PE lesson in most school?
2.What should you do  when you warm up?
3.What happens to your heart when you warm up?
4.How does stretching help?
5.When is a good time to stretch?       

Homework: send the photos of your work  
