6 Form Pace Work 09.04.2020

6 Form Pace Work 09.04.2020
Тема: Прості механізми та їх різновиди
In this lesson, you will be introduced to the types of simple machines and their functions. You will be challenged to identify simple machines you come in contact with every day.

A simple machine is a device that makes work easier. Tell the students what a complex machine is. A complex machine is made up of simple machines to create a device that makes work easier.

Vocabulary practice

1. Axle
2. Complex Machine
3. Inclined Plane
4. Lever
5. Pulley
6. Screw
7. Simple Machine
8. Wedge
9. Wheel
10. Work

a. is a simple machine made up of a wheel and a rope.
b. is an inclined plan wrapped around a cylinder, used to raise, press, or fasten things.
c. is made up of simple machines to create a device that makes work easier.
d. is a piece of wood, metal etc that has one thick edge and one pointed edge and is used especially for keeping a door open or for splitting wood.
e. is the round piece of equipment that you turn to make it move in a particular direction.
f. is a device that makes work easier.
g. is physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something.
h. is a simple machine with a flat surface that is higher on one end.
i. is a bar connecting two wheels on a car or other vehicle.
j. is a stick or handle on a machine or piece of equipment, that you move to operate it.

4.2. Reading activities
Teacher: Let’s read the text. Your task is to match the descriptions of simple machines with the pictures. An inclined plane is a flat surface that is higher on one end. You can use this simple machine to move an object to a lower or higher place. Inclined planes make the work of moving things easier. You would need less energy and force to move objects with an inclined plane.
A wedge is a find of inclined plane where the pointed edges are used to do some kind of work like tightening, securing or holding, or splitting things apart. An axe blade, a kitchen knife, a push pin, a nail, a fork, a saw are examples of a wedge. A nail secures things. A wedge under a door keeps the door from moving.
A screw can raise weights or it can press or fasten objects. A bolt or a jar lid is a screw. The jar lid tightens onto the jar with a screw. Screws can be found on jar lids, light bulbs, key rings, and a spiral staircase.
A lever is an arm that turns against a point. The point is the resting or balancing part upon which a lever turns. Someone or something has to push or pull on a lever to make it work. A light switch, scissors, garage gate, broom, toaster handle, oven or refrigerator door are examples of a lever.
The wheel and axle is a kind of lever that moves objects across distances. The axle is a rod that goes through the wheel. This lets the wheel turn. The wheels of a car or bicycle are wheels and axles, which allow the car or bicycle to move easily although it is a heavy object. Roller skates, gears in clocks or watches are also examples of wheel and axles.
This simple machine is made up of a wheel and a rope. The rope fits on the groove of the wheel. One part of the rope is attached to the load. When you pull on one side of the pulley, the wheel turns and the load will move. Pulleys let us move loads up, down, or sideways. Pulleys are good for moving objects to hard to reach places. It also makes the work or moving heavy loads a lot easier. A flagpole uses a pulley to raise or lower a flag. Blinds, a crane, and cloth lines are all examples of pulleys.
