6 FORM PACE WORK 07.05.20

6 FORM PACE WORK 07.05.20
Тема: Тваринний і рослинний світ Південної Америки
In this lesson, we will  speak about South America and about animals and plants of this continent.
-          What continents do you know?
-          What do you know about South America?
-          Can you name any country in the South America?
-          Do you know anything about wild life of South America?
Make up sentences using any two of the words
Country        border               Pole                      Continent                               tale                     territory            modern                        monkey                      turtle              ancestor
Unite                       feed                           allow                    flora                  fauna

South American wildlife

Home to marsupials, monkeys and the world's largest rainforest, South America is the continent with everything - from glaciers to deserts. It became a continent in its own right on breaking away from Africa and Antarctica 120 million years ago. Its fauna and flora are therefore descended from organisms either on the continent then (marsupials, for instance) or that managed to make their way there during its isolation, New World monkeys for example, whose ancestors crossed the early Atlantic Ocean from Africa. Three million years ago, the Isthmus of Panama formed, uniting North and South America and allowing animals including big cats, bears, coral snakes and condors to move in.
  1. Andean Condor
The king of the sky, the Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) is an absolute stunning sight when spotted. It is the largest flying bird on our planet, with a wingspan of up to 310 cm. (122 inches).
Condors are the national bird of BoliviaColombiaChile and Peru and play important roles in folklore and mythology of South America.
The Andean Condor's diet consists mainly of carrion and occasionally sick or young animals. It feeds on dead deer, squirrels, mice, rabbits and other small mammals.
The place to view the majestic Andean Condor is from the Cruz del Condor at the Colca Canyon in Southern Peru. The condors start taking to the sky from below the lookout area. Watching a condor soar through the sky takes your breath away.

2. Piranha

The Piranha (Pygocentrus Piraya) is a carnivorous sweet water fish that lives mainly in the Amazon Basin of South America.
They are about 15 to 25 cm. (6 to 10 inches) long. The feature that made them the protagonists of many horror tales are their razor sharp teeth.
Piranhas are harmless to humans (I have swum in rivers with piranhas while traveling in the Amazon Basin). Their diet exists mainly of small fish.
Have a close encounter with a Piranha

  1. Capybara
The capybara is a semi-aquatic herbivorous animal and the largest of living rodents. It is native to most of the tropical and temperate parts of South America east of the Andes.

Capybaras live in big herds and grow between 105 and 135 cm (40-55 inch) in length, and weigh 35 to 65 kg (75-140 lbs).
The capybara spend most of their time on the banks of rivers, feeding in the mornings and evenings. Their diet consists of vegetation such as river plants and bark.

4. Southern Right Whale

This magnificent animal comes to the waters of Argentina's Península Valdés (Patagonia) to breed. Spotting a Southern Right Whale is a breathtaking sight and you can almost touch them when you set out on a boat from Puerto Pyramides.
Adults may be between 11-18 meters (36-59 feet) in length and up to 80 metric tons (88 short tons) in weight. Southern Right Whales (Eubaleana Australis) spend the summer months in the Southern Ocean feeding, probably close to Antarctica. Animals migrate north in winter for breeding and can be seen around the coasts of ChileArgentinaBrazilSouth AfricaAustralia and New Zealand. The total population is estimated to be 7,000 to 8,000.
The Southern Right Whale's diet consists mainly of plankton and tiny crustaceans like copepods, krill, and pteropods.

5. Anaconda
The Anaconda is one of the biggest and heaviest snakes of the world. There have been sightings of anacondas at over 10 meters (32.8 feet) in length (although most are considerably smaller) and can weigh up to 250 kg (551 pounds) and have a girth of more than 30 cm (11.8 inches) in diameter.
The best two known species are the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) and the Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus). Their habitat are the swamps and rivers of the dense forests from the Amazon Basin.
Anacondas are carnivorous. Their diet exists of capybaras and other large rodents, tapirs, deer, peccaries, fish, turtles, birds, sheep, dogs and aquatic reptiles. Anacondas occasionally prey on jaguars.

6. Giant Tortoise
The Giant Tortoise is an animal that can only be found on the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador). It is an impressive sight; a giant tortoise can weigh over 225 kg (500 pounds) and measure 1.8 m. (6 feet) from head to tail.
There are 15 recognized species of tortoises, all generally considered to be members of the single species Geochelone Elephantopus.
The 15 species of tortoises can be divided into two general morphotypes: domed and saddle-backed. In the domed tortoises, the front edge of the shell forms a low line over the neck while in saddle-backed tortoises, the front edge arches high over the neck. Four species are extinct. The Charles Darwin Research Station in Puerto Ayora (Santa Cruz Island) on the Galapagos Islands, has a breeding program running.
