6 Form PACE WORK 08.05.20

6 Form PACE WORK 08.05.20
Тема: Звук [ei]
Today we will revise alphabetical names of letters, alphabetical order. We will learn a diphthong [ei] and will work up lexis with this sound.

 To start with let’s read the verbs on the board, arrange them in alphabetical order.
bag, gas, sad, pat, yet, pen, fix, lip, dot, hop, rub, cub, dig, mud
Explain the meaning of these words and make up sentences with them.

When a word ends with the v sound, we add an e. Will you give examples of such words?
Give the definitions of these words, you may use the dictionary.
cave, save, wave, brave, drive, stove, nerve, serve, olive
Students do the task.
Make up your own sentences with these words.

: The first four words have a diphthong [ei]. So we may say that a vowel a has such a sound when it is in a stressed and open-ended position in a word. What are the other cases we can have such a sound in a word. (letter combination ‘ay’, e.g. pay, clay)

Make up your own sentences with these words.

Teacher: Write your own stories using as many words with the sound [ei] as possible.
