Дистанційне навчання 7 Д PACE Work

Дистанційне навчання 7 Д PACE Work

Meet you on Monday 14.12.2020 at School!


Teme: Work in the life of People.

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Тема: Пейсовий урок
Время: 10 дек. 2020 08:30 PM Киев

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Learn the words


  • dominion – володіння
  • to subdue – підкоряти
  • to provide – постачати; забезпечувати
  • basic needs – основні потреби
  • a reward - нагорода

Make up your own sentences with these new words.


     T.: Let’s read and translate the text “Man Works Hard to Provide Basic Needs”. Let’s read it one by one, one sentence is for one pupil.

The Importance of Work


The Importance of Work_Inline

Work, we can’t really avoid it. Human civilisation has been built on work, the labouring of many billions of people throughout history has created the cities, farms, industries, armies and infrastructure which have marked our time on the planet. Even before human civilisation emerged, the role of labour and the development of different kinds of tools has been central to our evolution from the more primitive primates.

If work is so important, and has got us so far, why is it so terribly shitty most of the time? In Britain today, the use of sick notes has reached record levels. More and more people are taking time off work with a wide variety of mental health issues: stress, depression and anxiety predominant amongst them. Morale in most workplaces – regardless of the economic climate – is often low. Our working lives are increasingly dogged by bureaucracy, targets, tick-boxes, key performance indicators and meetings about meetings. We are commanded to revel in the faux-hyper-excitement of the sales team who made another successful pitch.

This is the pathology of our times. Work is necessary, but it is also alienating. It is this way because our natural human endeavours to strive, to create, to design and build have been captured by the ruling elites; bastardised and turned in on themselves. We are confronted with our creativity but it has been deformed and rendered monstrous by the desires of capital – the relentless push for profit. We dream of a fulfilling life but instead we end up selling car insurance.

While - reading task

T.: Please, while reading the text you have to find out lexical clues (e.g. reference words) which are connected with the theme and make up a plot to the text.

Post-reading task


      T.: Now, try to answer my questions according to the text:

Is work a curse?

Should people work very hard?

What people should do?

What are basic needs of people?


    T.: Now I’ll give you some cards (card#2) and your task is to fill in the blanks with the right answers:

1. Work is not a (curse, duty, task).

2. Weeds and thorns are a result of (good, sin, sheep).

3. Weeds and thorns are a result of the curse, and they grow much (slower, faster, wiser) than good plants.

4. People must work hard in order to (live, work, rest).

5. The three basic (needs, thorns, bugs) of people are food, clothing and shelter.

6. People must work hard to (provide, use, do) three basic needs.

7. When people work hard, they see (rewards, gifts, problems) for their work. 


                    Our lesson is coming to the end.

What useful information have you learned today at the lesson?

You worked well. Today we have done a lot at the lesson. The lesson is over.

 I wish you good luck.



  • dominion – володіння
  • to subdue – підкоряти
  • to provide – постачати; забезпечувати
  • basic needs – основні потреби
  • a reward - нагорода

Make up your own sentences with these new words

Read and study the table:


Fill in the blanks with the right answers:

1. Work is not a (curse, duty, task).

2. Weeds and thorns are a result of (good, sin, sheep).

3. Weeds and thorns are a result of the curse, and they grow much (slower, faster, wiser) than good plants.

4. People must work hard in order to (live, work, rest).

5. The three basic (needs, thorns, bugs) of people are food, clothing and shelter.

6. People must work hard to (provide, use, do) three basic needs.

7. When people work hard, they see (rewards, gifts, problems) for their work. 


 Theme: What is Matter?

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Тема: Пейсовий урок
Время: 9 дек. 2020 08:30 PM Киев

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Идентификатор конференции: 212 248 5652
Код доступа: rBS3w0

What do you think what is matter?

Watch the film:

What matter do you know?

Give me, please, the examples of nonliving matters.

Give me, please, the examples of living matters.

Now, we’ll learn more about matter and its characteristics.

Main part

Pre-reading task

T.: First of all, we need to get familiar with new items on the topic. You have cards (card#1). Look at them, you have to read and translate new words:

  • Matter - that which makes up something, especially a physical object; material
  • Living matter - possessing life; not dead
  • Nonliving mater – not having the characteristics of life


T.: Now we are going to read and translate two texts '' We Learn about Living Matter'' and “We Learn about Nonliving Matter”.

Living Matter and Nonliving Matter

Matter is classified according to origin or source, state and composition.

According to the origin or source, matter is classified as organic and inorganic matter. Organic matter comes from living things, while inorganic matter comes from non-living things.

Chemists have studied that all forms of matter may be classified into three general classes on the basis of their compositions. These are the elements, compounds and mixtures.

Element is a substance, which cannot be decomposed by ordinary means. Atom is the smallest part of an element that can enter into combination with other elements.

Compound is a substance, which can be decomposed into two or more simpler substances by ordinary chemical means.

Mixture is a material composed of two or more substances each of which retains its own characteristic properties. a. Heterogeneous mixture is one which has parts possessing different properties. b. Homogeneous mixture is one which has similar properties throughout. Substance is a homogeneous material composed of one particular kind of matter

While - reading task

T.: Please, while reading the text write one key word that sums every paragraph.

Post-reading task


T.: You have cards (card#2). Your task is:

1)      Identify whether the following are physical or chemical changes:

___________________1. welding metals

___________________2. ripening of fruits

___________________3. grinding rice

___________________4. dissolving sugar in water

__________________5. burning gas

2)      List the seven ways in which all living things are alike.

3)      Fill in the blanks with the right answers:

1. All living matter is …………   .

2. Nonliving matter has no ………  .

3.  ……….   has all the characteristics of matter.

4. The earth is ………… matter.


T.: Please, answer my questions:

1. How is called the study of matter?

2. What is matter?

3. What three forms does matter have?

4. What two ways is matter divided in?

5. What doesn’t have nonliving matter?

6. Name the seven ways in which all things are alike.


Our lesson is coming to the end.  What have you learned about matter? Thank you for your hard work! You have been very active! The lesson is over. Good-bye!


Read and translate new words:

  • Matter - that which makes up something, especially a physical object; material
  • Living matter - possessing life; not dead
  • Nonliving mater – not having the characteristics of life


1)      Identify whether the following are physical or chemical changes:

___________________1. welding metals

___________________2. ripening of fruits

___________________3. grinding rice

___________________4. dissolving sugar in water

__________________5. burning gas

2)      List the seven ways in which all living things are alike.

3)      Fill in the blanks with the right answers:

1. All living matter is …………   .

2. Nonliving matter has no ………  .

3.  ……….   has all the characteristics of matter.

4. The earth is ………… matter.


Theme: The Alphabatical Order

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Read the text:

“Run, Stephen, quick — get the gate open before I reach it!” shouted Emily to her ten-year-old younger brother. She had a whole wash load of clothes in her arms, and was struggling under the weight of the wet clothes. Emily was 15, and she was already taking care of the household. Their mother had died the previous year and, as the oldest of four children, Emily had to leave school to run the farmhouse. As Emily walked unsteadily towards the gate, she muttered to herself, “I hate the hat falling off my hair every time I run — I must remember to ask Papa to buy me a new one from the fair.” Emily reached the end of the yard and put down her load. “Lord!” she exclaimed. “I forgot the clips again!”

You have cards (card#1). Your task is to fill in the blanks:

 As she turned to see if any of the kids was playing nearby, she caught sight of her father in the field. He was taking a nap, and a ________ was perched on his __________, pecking at the crumbs of_________ on his __________. She loved him, but was a little scared of him too. As the ________ __________ on the farm, she often heard him turn red in anger and __________ “S______ up!” at the farmhands. “If only Mamma were alive,” Emily thought, “I could run and play with my friends instead of doing all this boring work!” She longed to __________ her __________ pony, ___________herself be __________, sleep until noon — do everything that Stephen, Johnny and Mindy did on holidays. “Poor me,” she thought. “I wish I could run away from all this!”


Let’s do some tasks in written form:

1. In cursive, write the small letters of the alphabet.

2. Write the capital letters of the alphabet.

3. Write the letters of the alphabet which are vowels.

4. Write the letters of the alphabet which are consonants.


Theme: Adding of 2-,3-,4-digital numbers

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Тема: Пейсовий урок
Время: 7 дек 2020 08:30 PM Киев

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First of all, we need to get familiar with new items on the topic. Now, I'll give you some cards 

(card#1) and you should read and study the rules.



-the act or process of adding or uniting.

-the process of uniting two or more numbers into one sum, represented by the symbol +.

-the result of adding.

-something added.


T.: Your next task is to put number in place value form. How many thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones?

For example: 4,382 = thousands + 3 hundreds + 8 tens + 2 ones.

1,458 - ?

4,453 - ?

8,900 - ?

7,180 - ?


T.: Now, I’ll give you some cards (card#). Your task is to find the sums.


Today we have done a lot at the lesson. You have got familiar how to add two-, three-, four-

digit numbers. You have learnt new items and have done some tasks.

The lesson is over. Good-bye!


Read and study the rules:

Addition is considered as the basic arithmetic operation in which we find the sum of two 

numbers with any number of digits.

The addition operation is denoted by using the sign plus “+”.

Since addition is the basic arithmetic operation there are some properties such as 

commutative property, associative property, zero property and identity property.

For two-, three-, digit addition a standard written method of column addition is used and 

practiced with examples.

(a) with no bridging

(b) bridging 10 only

(c) bridging 100 only

(d) bridging 10 and 100


-the act or process of adding or uniting.

-the process of uniting two or more numbers into one sum, represented by the symbol +.

-the result of adding.

-something added.


Find the sums:


Theme: Types of Vocabularies
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Тема: Пейсовий урок
Время: 4 дек 2020 08:30 PM Киев

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Идентификатор конференции: 212 248 5652
Код доступа: rBS3w0

Description: Using whatever resources you have at hand, please, find and write down an appropriate adjective that begins with each letter of your first name.

For exampleFlirtatious, Relaxed, Extrovert, Desirable

Main part


T.: Now, I'll give you some cards (card#1).

First of all we need to get familiar with new concepts on the topic. Do you know how to use a dictionary? Look at your cards, read and study the rules:

* A dictionary has a list of words in alphabetical order.

* After the word, we find the pronunciation guide and information about the word.

* Only root words are listed in the dictionary. Remove the ending and look up the root word.

* When words begin with the same letter, we use the second letter to put the words in alphabetic order.


T.: You have just learned the rules how to use a dictionary. Now you have to do some tasks.

You have cards (card#2).

Please, look at the first letter of each of these words. Tell these words in alphabetic order.

·         bird         aunt

·         ice          fish

·         dog          hear

·         jam          kind

·         man          now

Make up your own sentences with some words.


T.: Now, please, look at the words on the blackboard. You have to find these words in a dictionary. Write the first meaning given for each word.

For example: shoe (shoo) 1. an outer covering for the human foot.







Theme: National Symbols of the USA
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Тема: Пейсовий урок
Время: 3 дек. 2020 08:30 PM Киев

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To start with, please answer my questions:

“What have you learned about America?”

  1. Who discovered America?
  2. Who was the first president of the USA?
  3. What is the national symbol of America?
  4. What is the capital of the USA?
  5. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?

 Now we need to learn new items on the topic. I'll give you the cards (card #1) with new words. Please, read the words and the sentences:

  • bald - without hair
  • California - a western state
  • eagle - a kind of chicken
  • Mount Rushmore - a famous mountain
  • nest - a bird's home
  • Oregon - a northwestern state


T.: Let's read and translate the text '' National Symbols of the USA''.

National Symbols

National Symbols represent pride and values of the country.

United States of America is third largest country by land area and world’s largest economy. It is also one of the most powerful countries of the world and one of the five permanent members of United Nations Security Council.

United States of America has varied National symbols representing its culture, values and pride.

 Official Symbols of America
The official National symbols of America are the National flag, the Seal of the United States, the National motto ("E Pluribus Unum"), the National anthem (The Star Spangled Banner), the National bird (the American Bald Eagle), the National flower (the Rose), National Tree (Oak), the National March (The Stars and Stripes Forever) and the National Creed - the American's Creed.

While - reading task

T.: Please, while reading the text you have to find key-words in every paragraph.


T.: Now I’ll give you some cards (card#2) and your task is to fill in the blanks with the right answers:

1. The bald eagle is a symbol of strength and _______________.

2. In her right hand, the Statue of Liberty holds a light that is a symbol of __________.

3. The Statue of Liberty holds a written ___________ her left hand that stands for the Declaration of Independence.

4. Mount ____________ has the heads and faces of four U.S. Presidents.

5. It took _________ years to cut the faces into Mount Rushmore.


T.: Our lesson is coming to the end. What have you learned about the national symbols of America?

So, thank you for your hard work! You have been very active! The lesson is over. Good-bye!


Read the words and the sentences:

  • bald - without hair
  • California - a western state
  • eagle - a kind of chicken
  • Mount Rushmore - a famous mountain
  • nest - a bird's home
  • Oregon - a northwestern state


Fill in the blanks with the right answers:

1. The bald eagle is a symbol of strength and _______________.

2. In her right hand, the Statue of Liberty holds a light that is a symbol of __________.

3. The Statue of Liberty holds a written ___________ her left hand that stands for the Declaration of Independence.

4. Mount ____________ has the heads and faces of four U.S. Presidents.

5. It took _________ years to cut the faces into Mount Rushmore.



Theme: Famous Physics
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Тема: Пейсовий урок
Время: 2 дек. 2020 08:30 PM Киев

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Тема: Відомі фізики Ісаак Ньютон та Роберт Бойль

1. What is а physics?

2. What famous scientists do you know?

3. What do you know about Sir Isaak Newton? Mr. Robert Boyle?

4. Have you ever done any experiments? Can you describe your experiment .

Main part

Pre-reading task

T.: To start with we need to learn new items on the topic. I'll give you the cards (card#1 ) with new words. You have to read and translate them.

  • motion - a movement.
  • physicists - a scientist.
  • physics - the study of heat, light and sound.

2. Look at the headings, illustrations of the texts try to predict what these texts are about,


T.: Now we are going to read and translate the text '' Learning about Two Famous Physicists ''.

Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book Philosophiж Naturalis Principia Mathematica ("Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"), first published in 1687, laid the foundations for classical mechanicsNewton also made seminal contributions to optics and shares credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the development of calculus.


Robert Boyle (25 January 1627 – 31 December 1691) was an Anglo-Irish  natural philosopherchemistphysicist, and inventor. Born in LismoreCounty WaterfordIreland, he was also noted for his writings in theology. Although his research clearly has its roots in the alchemical tradition, Boyle is largely regarded today as the first modern chemist, and therefore one of the founders of modern chemistry, and one of the pioneers of modern experimental scientific method. He is best known for Boyle's law, which describes the inversely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed system. Among his works, The Sceptical Chymist, is seen as a cornerstone book in the field of chemistry. 

While - reading task

T.: While reading the texts, pick five adjectives for the characters, and explain how they apply.

Post-reading task



T.: You have cards (card#2)Your task is to fill in the blanks using the words from the table.

1. Sir Isaak Newton was the first man to explain that the whole universe is held together by___________

2. Mr. Boyle was interested in_________ especially chemistry.

3. Sir Isaak Newton wrote three laws about_________.

4. It took Sir Isaak Newton 18 months to write his_________ findings in a book.

5. Boyle's law is important in the field of___________.


Our lesson is coming to the end.

What have you learned about famous physicists? What were they proving by their experiments?

So, thank you for your hard work! You have been very active! The lesson is over. Good-bye!








Read and translate the words.

  • motion - a movement.
  • physicists - a scientist.
  • physics - the study of heat, light and sound.



Fill in the blanks using the words from the table:

1. Sir Isaak Newton was the first man to explain that the whole universe is held together by___________

2. Mr. Boyle was interested in_________ especially chemistry.

3. Sir Isaak Newton wrote three laws about_________.

4. It took Sir Isaak Newton 18 months to write his_________ findings in a book.

5. Boyle's law is important in the field of___________.



Theme: Suffixes
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Тема: Пейсовий урок
Время: 1 дек. 2020 08:30 PM Киев

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Read and study the rules:

suffix is a set of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Each

suffix has a general meaning, so you will be able to understand what a word with a suffix 

means more easily. 

Let's look at the examples.



a couple in love getting married

a cute, lovable teddy bear

The couple is getting married because they love each other very much.

That teddy bear is so cute and lovable!

"-able" is an example of an adjective suffix. Any time you see a word ending in "-able", it is 

an adjective.

Some suffixes are noun suffixes. They always make a 
noun. For example, "-ment" talks

 about an "action" or a "process":

  • enjoy ----> enjoyment
  • treat ----> treatment
  • govern ----> government

The root is the same, but we have used the noun suffix ment, so this is the process or action 

of developing.

The table below has some common adjective suffixes, their meaning, and an example word.



Example word

-able, -ible

able to be



full of



not having, without


And here are some noun suffixes, their meaning, and an example word.



Example word


place or state of being



a person who does



action or process



state of being




Complete the words that describe the pictures below. Use the suffixes from the list.

-able               -ful               -les

1. The first woman is very tired. She wants to rest!

The second woman can't stay still. She always wants to move! She is rest_____.

tired woman resting in a chair           

2. The first dog isn't cute. He's a little scary!

The second dog is very cute! He's ador_____!

a boy with a cute puppy

3. Jason writes lots of lists, so he always remembers what he has to do. He never forgets!

But Melanie can't remember anything! She's very forget_____!
